Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm working full time now.....

Hi, I am now working full time, so I have an excuse for not posting frequently!!! However I do have a new painting to share today. The name of it is "The Enchanted Forest". It is 36" X36", done in acrylics on canvas with a textured canvas that adds some unique information here and there. I have recently been enchanted myself with the colors teal and turquoise. They represent to me a renewed hope and and optimism that may be more hopeful wishing that reality based. Living in this part of the country with all the deer around also has given me a daily/nightly view of the delicate beauty of deer and fawns, so they fill out the living forest in subtle ways, perfectly representing the "fauna" in the world of flora and fauna. This painting is one of my favorites, and was much admired at a recent art show at the Hill Country Arts Foundation. The price is $875, not including actual shipping costs.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

new Art!!

Here is the most recent painting I have done, I think that subconsciously I painted this image because I wanted to be in a cool forest rather in the searing heat of Texas right now! this image is Oil on canvas, and it is 30 x 30 in size, for sale at a very reasonable price of $700. call me at 830-370-5873 and it can be yours!! I will be displaying it (and other beautiful work) at an Art Show at the Hill Country Art Foundation this September/October. It will be for sale there also.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Getting ready to start having Arty Parties in Kerrville

I'm getting things together so that I can start having Arty Parties in Kerrville, I'm really excited about it, everyone I've told about it is wanting to be on the list, so I will be making a new painting for my "Partiers". I have a great idea, and I have ordered more canvases...YEA!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Still Unpacking

Sorry, no photo of new work today, still unpacking, I'm back in Texas and I'll be having "Arty Parties" soon, I do have an idea for the new image to paint for the parties, I'm really looking forward to doing it again, it's so much fun. I will be having one at the Unity Church as a fund raiser for the new building fund, and I may get one together for a group of red hat ladies.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Feathers in the wind

This is my newest piece, the size is 30 x 30, the price is $300. I am about to put it in the Wray Art Show, and I thought I'd better take a photo first. If you would like to purchase it please email me at dottidotti@gmail.com.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sold one today

This painting sold today, I had thought to put it in the Wray Art Show, however, I do love a sale. It went to a good home, and the little dictionary birds will be cheering up a new wall.
Now I'm off to make more art! will post when it's done.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Runes on Red, Fate
This painting is big, 36x36. and it was hard to photograph, my camera had a real hard time with so much red. The runes on the painting tell the future.

We frequently wish that we knew the future, "If only we knew the future", but what would we do with that knowledge, there would be no more surprises, either good or bad, we might become overwhelmed with all the troubles,losses, death of loved ones, but we would not be able to change a thing, not even end our own life, if it was not in our future! Could we fall in love if we knew all the trials, disappointments and sadness that would be involved. We couldn't gamble, because we would know the outcome. Sports would be a bore, because we would know how it went. Would our lives be nothing more than a dreary trek through the assigned time? Doing things we knew we would do, even when we knew it wouldn't work. Surprises and mystery add so much to our lives that I think we could not be happy without them. Hopes hinge on the belief that things will get better. Dreams are unfettered and free of mistakes. Hopes and Dreams lift us up, make us smile, and laugh, give us such joy. We don't want to know the future.